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11 April 2011

History of Programming Languages and Their Evolution

First language
Ada Lovelace and Babbage and its nephew were writing programs for the project of "difference engine", and then the "analytical engine".
In 1945, the german K. Zuse, inventor of the Z3 computer would have defined an evolved language for this engine (with arrays and records). Few documents of the epoch about this language exist.

Assemblers exist since the beginning of computers. They associate a symbolic name to the machine-language code, for example:
  add bx, 4       
  cmp [adr], 3  
  jmp address
Assembly programming is no longer frequently practiced, even to build fast routines...

Autocode - 1952
Alick E. Glennie
Implemented firstly on Mark 1, then on other computers, this is a symbolic code.
IPL - 1956 - Information Processing Language
A. Newell, H. Simon, J.C. Shaw
Low-level list processing language. Implements the RECURSIVITY.

to learn more, please clik to:-
History of Programming Languages and Their Evolution

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